Data Science

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Medi Resource Management

Analysis of medical resources with respect to the COVID-19 cases in India and analyse which area needs more resources and which have plenty of it so that we can shift those to needy areas.

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Person Detection

Person detection from an image using the python script and yolov3

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Data Mining Fifa19

Different sets of encoding, preprocessing techniques and ml algorithms are applied to find out the optimal set of techniques which will be applied on Fifa19 dataset.

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I Scraped many websites and different type of files. I uses Selenium and Beautiful Soup for it and some of my scaped datasets are on my Kaggle.

Web Development

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Hospital Management System

It has a patient side and a doctor side. In which appointment, medical prescription and nearest emergency service finder is embedded.

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Its is a Quizzing web app. It counts the score and shows a leaderboard having top 5 scorer and for questions an API is used.

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Its a live cricket scoring webapp it uses an API for updating the score.

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Its a movie downloading website. It is build using basic HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript.

Other Domain

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Hotel Management System

Food and Hotel room price calculating system. It will calculate the room prices and food prices according to the values allotted to the things provided on the GUI. This project is purely on Java GUI.

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Tic Tac Toe

It is a python and Tkinter based TIC-TAC-TOE game.

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Snake Game

Its a Snake game with score counting. It is built using Python and Tkinter.

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An Advanced calculator using Graphic User Interface in Java.

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Alarm clock

Its an Python Tkinter based Alarm clock.

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Number Guessing Game

Its a number Guessing game with score counting. It will run in command line or terminal. It is player versus PC.

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Rock Paper Scissor

Its a Rock Paper Scissor game with score counting. It will run in command line or terminal. It is player versus PC.


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